How To Write Acknowledgment For Dissertation Or Thesis?

The completion of a dissertation or thesis marks the end of an important journey for any student. After all of the hard work, dedication, and research that has gone into the project, it is only right to thank those who have helped you along the way. Writing an acknowledgment for your dissertation or thesis is a great way to show appreciation to the people and organizations who have supported you. This blog post will provide an overview of how to write acknowledgment for dissertation or thesis.

What Is An Acknowledgment For Dissertation Or Thesis?

An acknowledgment for a dissertation or thesis is a section in which the author expresses gratitude and recognition to individuals or organizations who have supported them during the research and writing process. This may include supervisors, mentors, colleagues, friends, and family members.

Who Should Be Listed In The Acknowledgement?

There is no definitive answer to who should be listed in the acknowledgment section of a dissertation or thesis, as it will depend on the individual author’s circumstances. However, there are some common people and groups that are typically acknowledged in this section. Some of the people who you might consider acknowledging include:

  • Your advisor or mentor: Your advisor or mentor will likely have been instrumental in guiding you through the research process, and you should thank them for their time, expertise, and guidance.
  • Committee members: If you had a committee that oversaw your research, you should thank them for their time and input.
  • Colleagues: If you collaborated with other researchers or scholars on your project, you should acknowledge them and thank them for their contributions.
  • Friends and family members: If you received emotional support and encouragement from friends and family members during the research and writing process, you should thank them for their support.
  • Institution or Organization: If your research is supported by any Institution or organization, it is appropriate to acknowledge them for the support
  • Additional support staff: Like librarians, research assistants, or anyone who helped you with research-related tasks, it is a good idea to thank them as well.

How To Write Acknowledgment For Dissertation Or Thesis?

Writing an acknowledgment for a dissertation or thesis is an important task that should not be overlooked. The acknowledgement page is a way to show gratitude to those who have helped and supported you throughout the research and writing process. It is a formal expression of appreciation and should be written in a professional and heartfelt manner.

Whom to Acknowledge: The first step in writing an acknowledgment is to identify the people who have helped you throughout your research and writing process. This can include your advisor, committee members, professors, friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else who has provided support and guidance.

How to Acknowledge Them: Once you have identified the people you want to acknowledge, it is important to express your gratitude in a sincere and heartfelt manner. This can be done through a short message, a quote, or a personal anecdote. It is also important to mention their specific contributions and how they have helped you.

Formatting the Acknowledgment: The acknowledgement page should be formatted in a professional and formal manner, and it should be included at the beginning of the dissertation or thesis, before the table of contents. It should be written in the same font and style as the rest of the document, and it should be single-spaced.

Language and Tone: When writing the acknowledgement, it is important to use appropriate language and tone. This means that it should be formal, but also sincere and heartfelt. Avoid using overly formal or technical language, and try to express your gratitude in a way that is personal and meaningful.

Proofreading and Editing: Once you have written the acknowledgement, it is important to proofread and edit it thoroughly. This will ensure that it is free of errors and that it is written in a clear and concise manner.

The Importance Of Acknowledgment In A Thesis Or Dissertation.

The acknowledgment in a thesis or dissertation is an important element that serves several purposes. It is a formal expression of gratitude to those who have helped and supported the researcher throughout the research and writing process.

Showing appreciation:

The most obvious purpose of an acknowledgment is to express appreciation to those who have helped the researcher throughout the research process. It is a way to thank the individuals who have provided guidance, support, and resources.

Building relationships:

An acknowledgment can also be used to build and strengthen relationships between the researcher and the individuals who have helped them. By expressing gratitude, the researcher is able to acknowledge the contributions and hard work of others, which can help to build a sense of trust and mutual respect.

Demonstrating professionalism:

An acknowledgment is also a way to demonstrate professionalism and adherence to academic conventions. A well-written acknowledgment shows that the researcher has a deep understanding of the importance of gratitude and is aware of the ethical guidelines of academic research.

Acknowledging resources:

In some cases, researchers may have used specific resources such as data or equipment that were provided by organizations or institutions. The acknowledgement is a place where the researcher can give credit to these resources, which is not only an act of gratitude but also a way to demonstrate accountability.

Other Acknowledgement Article:

Sample Of Acknowledgments For Thesis Or Dissertation

Here is an example of how you might begin an acknowledgement for a dissertation:

“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Jane Smith, for her unwavering support and guidance throughout my graduate program. Without her expertise and encouragement, this dissertation would not have been possible.

I would also like to thank the members of my dissertation committee, Dr. John Doe and Dr. Mary Johnson, for their valuable feedback and support. Their insights and suggestions have greatly contributed to the final version of this work.

I am also grateful to my family and friends for their constant love and support. Their encouragement and understanding has been a source of strength throughout this challenging process.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the research participants, without whom this study would not have been possible. Thank you for your willingness to share your experiences and insights.”

5 Tips For Writing Acknowledgments For Dissertation Or Thesis

1. Be Specific

When acknowledging individuals, it is important to be specific about their contributions. Rather than simply saying “thank you,” mention the specific ways in which they helped you. This will show that you have given their help careful thought and appreciate the specific ways in which they assisted you.

2. Be Heartfelt

Your acknowledgment should be sincere and heartfelt. Express your gratitude in a way that is genuine and meaningful. This will show that you truly appreciate the support and help that you received.

3. Be Professional

Remember that your acknowledgment is a part of your thesis or dissertation, so it should be written in a professional and formal tone. Use appropriate language and formatting, and avoid using overly casual or informal language.

4. Use Quotes or Anecdotes

To add a personal touch to your acknowledgment, consider including a quote or personal anecdote that relates to the person you are acknowledging. This will make your acknowledgment more meaningful and memorable.

5. Proofread and Edit

Before submitting your thesis or dissertation, make sure to proofread and edit your acknowledgment. This will ensure that it is free of errors and that it is written in a clear and concise manner.


The article discusses how to write an acknowledgment for a dissertation or thesis. It is important to thank those who have helped with the research and writing process, as well as those who have helped to support the author during the undertaking of the project. Acknowledgments can be a way of showing appreciation for the help and support that have been given.

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